Web Portfolio
Pathfinding Algorithm Visualizer
A pathfinding algorithm visualizer. Draw a mazes, select an algorithm, and observe how it behaves.
Custom Wordle
Customizable Wordle, has daily wordles, seeded random words, and n-sized words. You can send a "challenge link" with a predetermined solution and number of allowed tries to challenge friends.
A work-in-progress chess game website. The idea is to make a highly customizeable chess interface for playing regularly or making your own custom modes.
SimBox is a website created in my software engineering class with a small group of other students. It is a 2D physics simulation sandbox which implements the plank.js library for physics.
A simple Minesweeper clone, with a timer and control over rows, columns, and number of bombs.
A work-in-progress project. Currently it is only an experiment with hand-coded basic rigid body physics, and game engines, but I do intend to turn it into a more fleshed out and complete project soon.
Computer Graphics Portfolio
A website made to showcase my computer graphics work. I made this website as part of my freeCodeCamp responsive web design certification.
DnD Tribute Page
Made for my freeCodeCamp responsive web design certification. This is an example tribute page for a DnD character.
Street name generator
I noticed that street names in my area all have similar patterns for how they're named. I thought it would be funny to make a name generator using some of these patterns.
Text Discombobulator
If you move around all the middle characters of a word, but keep the first and last, you can usually still read the word. I learned how to use JavaScript by making this website, it was the first time I hadn't only used HTML and CSS.
I'm a 4th Year student at Case Western Reserve University, studying Computer Science with a focus on software engineering. I also make computer graphics art for fun.
(last update 5/13/2022)
This is my web portfolio. I learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on my own, and have made several toy projects to show my aptitude with them.
© Phineas Ziegler, 2021